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A Review about Web Based Community and Mindset

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Aji Nur Hakim

Have you ever seen an online website such as OLC4TDP (Online Learning Community for Teacher Professional Development) in this address http://www.olc4tpd.com/? Isn’t it interesting? My campus also use that kind of online learning called Moodle in this address http://sse-elearning.net, but little different from that previous web that can used for every people. My campus online learning web just can be access by students and teachers in my university.

Picture 1. The home web of OLC4TDP

Using web to online learning may be the best media in this 21st century learning. Students not only study from the book, but they also can study from internet or website. The web based community, one of example, is a website use to do online learning to students, teachers, or anyone who want to join the community in the web. The web also contains many information about the newest information in education and daily life. The member who join are can be students, teachers, researchers, and trainers, and anybody else who want to learn more, or any aspect of educator.

The web itself contains three main pages:
1.         Home
Picture 2. Home of OLC4TPD
Contain many information about newest topic or issues in education and daily life.
2.         Online learning
Contain online learning page to learn about ICT and others. The course itself is about ICT based and social learning.
Picture 3. Online learning page.
3.         Q&A
Contain Question and Answer from the member of the web about anything related to the material or the web, and be answered by the admin of the page.
Picture 4.Questin and Answer page.

The course of the web is IT, social learning, and Bahasa Indonesia. The online learning is enrolled with an account of the web. So that anyone who already registered who only can join the online learning.

So many advantages got from this web. For teacher aspect, it can use to share the information, do the online learning (there is space of teacher’s portfolio on the web), and spread any information. For school leader, it can help to monitor what the teachers do and to get the new information of education and may be ca be adapted in the school. For students, it help to get the news about education in the home page, and also can join the community (there is space of student’s portfolio) in online learning. Student can learn many things for long distance, or it called distance learning, where they can study anywhere and anytime through online learning media. For other people also can join online meeting by enroll to the discussion room. Once again, the web or the online learning help people to do distance learning, they can learn many things anywhere and anytime they want. They do not need to come to the place, just sit in front of computer to enroll the online learning discussion.

Picture 5. Teacher portfolio.

Picture 6. Student portfolio.

Picture 7. Online learning meeting class.

Picture 8. P21’s framework for 21st century learning.

According to P21, Partnership for 21st century skill, skills needed in this 21st century are divided by three: learning and innovation skills; information media, and technology skills; life and career skills. In learning and innovation skills, prepare students to face the complex world and future work environment, including: (1) creativity and innovation, (2) critical thinking and problem solving, and (3) communication and collaboration.

In information media and technology skills, students are prepared to facilitated by media to support learning and innovation skills above, including: (1) information literacy, (2) media literacy, and (3) ICT (Information, Communications, and Technology) literacy. In life and career skills, students helped to prepare the next challenge in the work environment and developing the skills to face global competitive, including: (1) flexibility and adaptability, (2) initiative and self-direction, (3) social and cross-cultural skills, (4) productivity and accountability, (5) leadership and responsibility.

According to those theories of 21st century skills, the website of OLC4TPD is quite good enough to be the example of 21st media of development. The web provided people to get the ICT literacy and ICT skill, it makes people to communicate each other and give creative idea to make an online learning class. Moreover, it builds people’s critical thinking by join the class and have some discussion. To complete the skill for life and career skills, the web provides some news of education to help people know what is happening in our environment. Overall, the web is helped people to learn by using 21st century style.

If you know about 21st century skills, you might know some training events to people to face the skills. I had join the community called Youth ESN, and they had annual conference, first is NFEC (National Future Educator Conference), and the second id YERT (Youth Educator Regional Training), which is basically those two have same material given, but held in different region. In 2013, I joined YERT in Solo. The topic brought to that event has theme Education to Employment. It help people to know what century skills needed to face the work environment in the future. It also adapted the materials from P21, the web I mention before.

So that, many things can be learned from 21st century skills. For example, learn by the web to develop ICT skill and communication skills toward others. it is good to know that people start to aware about their environment and start to think globally. People have to have that global mindset to work together with people and being exist as global society.

It has already discuss about global mindset, what exactly mindset itself? Mindset has well known from Carol S. Dweck from Stanford University. He introduces self-theories about mindset. There are two kind of mindset: fixed mindset and growth mindset. Fixed mindset is an intelligence which already exist since people born. “…in which people believe their abilities are fixed. You have a certain amount of intelligence or talent and that’s that. You can learn new things but you can’t change your ability” (Dweck, n.d.) Meanwhile, growth mindset is ability that can develop along people’s life.

They believe that their abilities are things they can cultivate and develop throughout their lives. They believe that through effort and learning, they can become smarter or more talented. It’s not that they deny differences among people—that some people may know more, learn faster or even have more natural facility in area. But what they focus on is the idea that everyone can get better over time” (Dweck, n.d., p.1)

The question is, which one is better? People who believe about fixed mindset always put their selves into performance goals, that everything is measure by ending score. It makes people to show up their proficiency, and hide their deficiency.

In one study, students with a fixed mindset told us that if they did poorly on a test—even if it were in a new course and one they liked a lot—they would study less in the future and would seriously consider cheating.” (Dweck, n.d., p.3)

Fixed mindset student who fail to reach their goals, tend to give up to the next challenge. It seems not good for them, because they just believe that mindset is fixed and cannot to develop. While growth mindset student do their best to reach the goals even it is along their life. Student with growth mindset tend to always learn to develop their ability and finally improved theirs even it is not really much developed.

“…people in the growth mindset understand that effort is the way that ability is
brought to life, allowed to reach fruition, and ultimately improved. Far from indicating a lack of talent, they believe that even geniuses need great effort to fulfill their promise.” (Dweck, n.d., p.3)

Both fixed mindset and growth mindset is all can be learn. Both have the positive and negative impact. Let teacher learn what students mindset is and how to treat them effectively in the classroom.

To sum up, web based learning is good to people to learn many things include online learning and developing their skills in this 21st century learning. People can learnt creative thinking, ICT based, and global mindset to be part of world society.

Dweck, C. S. (n.d.). Self-theories: The mindset of a champion. Retrieved from http://assets.ngin.com/attachments/document/0024/7619/self_theories_the_mindset_of_a_champion.pdf
OLC4TPD. (2014). Online learning community for teacher professional development. Retrieving from http://www.olc4tpd.com/
Partnership for 21st Century Skills. (2011). Framework for 21st century learning. Retrieved from http://www.p21.org/storage/documents/1.__p21_framework_2-pager.pdf
Sampoerna School of Education: E-learning system. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://sse-elearning.net/

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