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A Review: Personal Vision and Passion

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(A Passion for Quality: Teachers Who Make A Difference)
Aji Nur Hakim

Everyone in the world must have a personal vision, or at least passion. Passion will needed for every teacher who teach students in the classroom. How come a teacher can teach if they have no willingness to teach? Personal vision or passion will guide teacher to motivate their selves in the classroom.
In 2009, Christopher Day from University of Nottingham, England makes an article about passion of a teacher titled “A passion for quality: Teachers who make a different.” The discussion about passion divided by three parts:
1.      Part 1: why passion matters
2.      Part 2: three qualities
3.      Part 3: messages for teacher educators: pre-service and continuing professional development

Why passion matters be the first discussion of Day’s article. People may also questioning why passion is matters for our live. “Passion itself remains ill defined at best, and at worst associated with unhelpful extremes of emotion which often cloud rather than enhance possibilities for learning” (Day, 2009). Passion of a teacher is exactly needed, because according to some journal, the failure of students in the classroom mostly caused by teachers, who do not have any passion to teach, rather than students’ background, such as intrinsic motivation and internal or external private factors.

This is the graph from Sanders and Rivers (in Day, 2009) that shows how teacher performances affect student performance. Low performing teacher affect students to have low performance. Meanwhile, high performing teacher take students to have high performance.

According to Day (2009), who have been developed the research over the years, five keys observation about the qualities evident n good teaching and teachers are:
1.      The definition of good teaching is a teacher who can combine technical and personal competencies including deep subject knowledge, and the most important part, having empathy with students.
2.      The definition of good teacher is someone who cares about students, which is doing it in purpose to do their job well, and showing connectiveness interaction to build the positive energy toward students’ well being and achievement.
3.      The identity of someone called “teacher” is crucial to motivation, commitment, and effectiveness in the learning process in the classroom.
4.      Teacher is the person who leads and manages the classroom and can understand students’ feeling and emotion.
5.      Teacher also a person who can face the challenge and change the context every time needed, and can over time hopefulness and resilience.

A teacher’s passion also related to quality of teacher itself. Day (2009) wrote three qualities that have to have by a teacher, such as: (1) relationship with pupils, (2) moral purposes (care and courage), and (3) emotional identities.

A teacher has to make a good relation toward students. Nowadays, teacher tends to not to close to students that make it causing failure in student achievement. So that, the problem will be solved if teacher can discuss with students what students feel and ask students feedback of teacher performance.

A teacher is not only have duties to teach in the classroom, but also have to pay attention to student behavior. Teacher has to be a caring person. It state many times that teacher is caring person. Beside, teacher also have to give the courage to students so that students build their own courage to have high achievement. Teacher together with students makes their own courage and optimistic to guide them in the success of the lesson.

Besides, teacher also has to have emotional identities quality, includes emotions to rational decision making, understanding and intelligence, and emotional health (biography, career, social). If people call teacher as a person who can do everything, it is true, because a teacher can affect student’s life, behavior in the classroom, student’s emotional, ability and achievement, at the same time.

Day (2009) makes three key messages to teacher educators regarding to their passion in teaching. Key Message 1: three are statistically significant associations between teacher commitment and their effectiveness as defined by pupil attainment. (see in picture 1). It is needed an effective and commitment teacher who can affect students attainment. The higher teacher effectiveness and commitment, the higher pupil attainment.

Key Message 2: recognizing the impact of these influences in particular professional life phases and providing informal and formal targeted support are key means of building and sustaining teacher commitment and effectiveness.
Key Message 3: there are specific influences which affect teachers’ effectiveness in schools in different socio-economic context. The teacher’s feeling of vulnerability may increase their passion to teach well in the classroom.
Key Message 4: creating positive work conditions, meeting teachers professional and personal needs and minimizing teacher burnout, are keys to encouraging teachers’ resilience, promoting teacher well being and positive professional life trajectories, improving the conditions for teachers’ effectiveness in relation to pupils’ performance, and ultimately, school improvement. They are the key tasks for school leader.

In conclusion, passion is important to teacher to improve the better learning in the classroom. Teachers might an ordinary people, but they can do anything that students need. That is why to be a teacher is neither easy, nor difficult. Then, without passion teacher might not deliver material well, and can not understand student need in achievement or emotion.
Day, C. (2009). A passion for quality: Teachers who make a difference. Retrieved from http://www.velon.nl/uploads/kennisbank/document_254.pdf

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