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A Review: Curriculum Development and Affective Education

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Source: http://cdn.whatsinthebible.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/curr-curriculum.png

(Guess Lecture session)
Aji Nur Hakim

Last Thursday, October 16th, my Affective Education class had invited a teacher from Sekolah Cikal, Bapak Hasto. Sekolah Cikal is one of school in Indonesia that apply international curriculum within Indonesian curriculum.

Picture 1. Sekolah Cikal’a logo

This is the curriculum of Sekolah Cikal that they call it as “Cikal 5 stars competencies.”
Picture 2. Cikal 5 stars competencies

Cikal curriculum is a bit different with other school. They just learn about Mathematics, arts, Bahasa Indonesia, social studies, English, religion, world language, PSPE, technologies, and sciences. Pak Hasto itself proud that Sekolah Cikal is use international curriculum that can learn better than Indonesian curriculum itself. Even Sekolah Cikal use international curriculum, the subject of Bahasa Indonesia is still used. 

There are five issues that brought by Pak Hasto to be discussed. First, the importance of read the books. In Sekolah Cikal, everyone in school have to read a book. Why reading a book? Indonesian people tend to ignore and not doing something important like reading, whereas, reading a book is important to us. Books contain a lot of information that can be learned from that. In Sekolah Cikal, everyone have to read a book. Even the teacher and other educational sector have to. Students also have the responsibility to read a book. From low stage to high stage of school, they continued to read a book. For example Sherlock Homes book that already read in low stage until continuing to high stage. Of course the use of language is suited with the level of student’s age and stage.

Second, the importance of skills and attitudes. Everyone must agree that the objective of learning is not only the cognitive side, but also affective and psychomotor.

Picture 3. Three domain of learning according to Bloom’s Taxonomy

Skills and attitudes of students is one of affective domain that importantly have to be valued. The weakness of Indonesian education is, one of them, because of teachers just focus on cognitive domain without considering affective and psychomotor domain. That is why assesses students skills and attitudes is as important as assess cognitive domain.

Third, the importance of learn the technology. Remember that we live in the 21st century era, where every information can searched in one click. Technology era is exist around people, around students. Students can learn from internet, especially from YouTube. Students can find how to do this, how to do that, easily because of YouTube. That is important that remind us the existences of teacher can be replaced by YouTube. So that it is the work for teacher to create effective learning for students in this 21st century era, to compete with the modern era. 

Picture 4. YouTube for schools

Fourth, the importance of learn the language. Language is important to communicate each other. Language also tools to relate people in the world. Especially English language, that become international language, so that when people come in one country they can communicate well even not speak in domain country. Learning English language is important, even it is exist in curriculum that students have to learn that. English is become popular since it can bring people to communicate to people around the world, not important where country they come. So, it is really important to studying the language.

Fifth, the importance of rubric. Rubric is needed to assess students. Without rubric, teacher will have difficulties to range students, which level that they in. Pak Hasto gave example of rubric importance. When the end of semester come and it is time to give students report to parents, they will ask teacher where the grade come. If teacher did not have rubric to range students, teacher can not answer that question. Different with teacher who prepare anything include rubric that he/she made to assess students. If parents ask, teacher will show them the rubric of achievement that their children already have. Remember, rubric is not only assess cognitive domain, but also can assess affective domain, too. There are so many example of rubric to assess affective domain. One of the example is from National Guidelines for Educating EMS Instructors (2002).

The most important that teacher should remember is to let students know the rubric so that it is fair to students what kind of assessment that they will face. To students, teacher that gives them the rubric before performing the task will help them keep the track of the objective of the learning.
Curriculum always developed to be better guide to educational system. Our new curriculum, 2013 Curriculum is actually the best curriculum up until now, because it is also considering the affective domain as the aspect of education in the classroom. However, unskilled teacher is the problem of the implementation. “Old” teacher prefer to use traditional method to teach, but it is not only traditional that 2013 curriculum needed. This is will be the big work to government to train teacher to implement 2013 curriculum.
Still remember what Pak Hasto said about curriculum and affective education, “Even we are talking about curriculum now, it is also contain about affective. Affective is the part of curriculum. That is why I really support 2013 curriculum. Curriculum and affective has the boundaries, it can not separated. It is the true objective of 2013 curriculum.” (Hasto, 2014)

National Guidelines for Educating EMS Instructors. (2002). Appendix VI: Rubric affective domain tool. Retrieved from http://www.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/ems/instructor/Appendix%20VI%20-%20Rubric%20Affective%20Domain%20Tool.pdf

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