A Review: Classroom Management (Assessment: A Personal Classroom Management Approach)
Source: http://justfacs.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/09/classroom-management.jpg |
Aji Nur Hakim
The main fear of teacher is classroom
management. As people know that the ‘work’ teaching is not easy. Teacher is the
one who expert and knows the material well, teacher has to know their students,
have to prepare the lesson well, and the most important is face the unexpected
classroom environment. Beside, the assessment has to relate to the lesson. How
classroom management can be tools to approaching assessment?
Mary Liz Hinton wrote about assessment
titled “Assessment: A personal classroom management approach.” The point of her
writing is how to assess students by using classroom management approach.
“...it is imperative that students be provided with a supportive learning
environment that makes it possible for them to achieve the intended outcomes”
(Hinton, 2006). It is state that learning outcomes is related to good learning
environment, which is also related to classroom management.
Hinton (2006) discuss four topics in her
Need for Correlation between Instruction and Assessment
Need for Validity and Reliability
of Assessment
Balanced Assessment System, Classroom Management and Student Learning
First discussion talks about the need
for correlation between instruction and assessment. Before assess students, it
is crucial that teacher make clear instruction. With clear instruction,
students will easily answer the questions and understand what the question
about. Although clear instruction is not the one which caused good outcomes; at
least it is not teacher’s fault to plunges students in difficult situation and
end with not answering questions.
According to Biggs (in Hinton, 2006),
there are three-stage model to avoid improper link between instruction and
clear learning outcomes.
Means teacher
have to ensure that the learning outcomes for each subject/topic/subtopic is
clear. Every assessment starts from the objective. With this objective, teacher
can choose the best method to assess. Teacher determines that a topic has its
learning outcomes. For example, the learning outcomes of topic Tenses in
English is presentation of students. If teacher did not state the clear
learning outcomes, teacher will not get what the assessment of the learning so
that teacher knows that students are understood.
appropriate assessment tasks that directly assess whether each learning
outcomes has been met.
Every teacher
has their own strategy in learning, same with having the same strategy to
assess, although making assessment is not easy. Beside make sure that
assessment is directly asses to students so that teacher knows that students
already achieve the objective or not.
appropriate learning opportunities to get students to the point where they can
successfully undertake the assessment tasks.
Design the
assessment as possible as can to find out how far students’ understanding. Every
student has the right to do the assignment well, so that teacher have to make the
assessments well organized and suit to type of students in the classroom.
of the factors that make students cannot do the assignment well, because they did
not catch the instruction clearly. So that instruction is in line with the
students understanding that can affect the assessment, too.
discussion is about the need for validity and reliability.
“Validity refers
to the degree to which the assessment tool measures what it is supposed to
refers to how consistently the assessment yields the same result” (Hinton,
students have to assess, the tools to measure it have to valid and reliable. If
the tool is not valid and reliable, the assessment will be biased. While the
aim of assessment is to assess students fairly and effectively, the assessment
must reflect the leaning objectives already given by teacher and must to assess
with the same result although in different perspective of students’ answer. The
objective is just one, and teacher have to clearly state that assessment is not
only assess for several diligent students, or not diligent students.
valid and reliable assessment is neither not easy, nor difficult. Teacher have
to check back the assessment tools and try to not to subjective and also try to
not to out of topic discussed in the learning objective. For example, if
teacher wants to assess students understanding about basic algebra to count x
or y, then teacher should not assess students to find x2. Beside it
is not valid because the objective is wrong, teacher also do mistake which is
not fair if some students are already know the result of it and another is have
no idea to answer the question.
example happened if teacher expectation is different from students’
perspective. Below is the example of the question given:
is the half of eight?”
question has to recheck again if it is reliable or not. Even if it is valid,
but if it is not reliable, the questions still not suppose to be use. Some
students might think that the answer is 4 (8/2=4). Some other students might
think like this:
Or like this:
Now, we know that why
the questions must be reliable. Students think in different way of thinking.
That is why, once again, recheck the question before teacher give instruction
and assessment to students.
The third discussion is
about types of assessment. There are two type of assessment: formative and
summative assessment.
“The purpose of formative
assessment is to guide the student through the learning process while
constantly checking for understanding and adapting instruction to benefit the
leaner as much as possible.
Summative assessment is done at the
end of instruction for the purpose of certifying mastery or assigning grades”
(Hinton, 2006)
The type of assessment
usually use by teacher is summative that assess students in the end of chapter
or the end of topic. In our era now, it is better to balance both formative and
summative. Both the type of assessment is not better than the other. Both are
important to assess students. Just, it is better to use both of assessment to
maximize and know how far students’ understanding while learning occurs.
We cannot say that
formative assessment is better than summative. Sometimes, teacher has to know
that in certain time formative assessment is needed to do. In other time, may
be teacher does not need formative assessment. Just remember that summative
assessment still need to do in the end of study in the topic of study.
The last discussion is
about a balanced assessment system, classroom management and student learning. What
is the relation between last three discussions (instruction, validity &
reliability, and type of assessment) with classroom management? The instruction
brings students to have the clear understanding about the problem and can
answer in the proper instruction. Before that, the questions have to valid and
reliable so that teacher assess according to objective of the lesson assessed.
Beside teacher will not face multiple answers which not suit with the teacher’s
perspective of answer. With these learning outcomes of assessment, students
will decide their own strategy of learning to get the better outcome of
learning. Better outcome influenced from, one of them, learning environment
that included in classroom management. Trough classroom management, teacher can
control students behavior and attitudes so that students can run the learning
process as effective as possible. Creating comfortable learning environment is
one of the tasks of teacher to build strong support to learning. Not only that,
set the students’ goal of study also needed so that students will give the best
effort in study. The use of both type of assessment, formative and summative,
also can check students understanding in the learning, and can compare their
understanding before, or compare with other peer. Get the feedback from teacher
and students also the best way to increase students’ motivation to do better in
the next assessment.
In conclusion, using
classroom management to create valid and reliable assessment is possible to do.
When teacher use classroom management approach, students will automatically
give the contribution to the class, at least to her/his self.
Hinton, M. L. (2006)
Assessment: A personal classroom management approach. ProQuest Education Journals, 2, 4. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com.ezproxy.library.usbi.ac.id/docview/231511680/97F276184DB943D4PQ/12?accountid=108784
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