A Review: Reducing Violence and Aggression in School
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Aji Nur Hakim
Violence and aggression mostly shown in
the classroom or other school area that usually students did not understand
what they do is violence or aggression, even the trifling attitude such as
bullying. Teachers have to aware to students’ attitude and the misbehavior they
do. If the misbehavior did not take seriously, it can impact to student’s
personality and their performance in the classroom; even make it unbalance
their mentality.
Michael B. Greene from YCS Center for
the Prevention of Violence wrote the article titled “Reducing violence and
aggression in the school” in 2005. The article was discussed about four big
nature and scope of school violence
of school-based violence
selection and program typologies
planning, selection, and implementation strategies
Violence’s nature in school can be
define as violence which occurs in school area: canteen, classroom, toilet, and
in every situation: learning in the classroom, even when violence happened
while school event and touring it categorize as school violence. It called
“school-associated” (Furlong & Morrison in Greene, 2005). Violence usually begins
with interpersonal violence or direct violence that occurs persons against
persons. It can become more serious because the violence will not stop in the
first meeting. For example: fighting between school A and B. It surely started
with person to person who having problem and become school problem and other
students take part in the fighting although they even did not know the real problem between
the fighters.
In the United States there were some
surveys done by Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), School Crime Victimization Survey,
and Monitoring the Future. The result of the survey is: the most violence or
aggression occurs is in verbal, include verbal bullying and sexual harassment
that did not affect physically.
Violence and aggression had been the agenda
that always happened in the school. Teacher might stop this habit all over the
year. According to Greene (2005), there is some prevention adapted from
organizational scheme to overcome violence and aggression. (1) Security
apparatuses and policies. Security must be the first way to overcome both
violence and aggression. Put metal detector in the school might be the answer
to prevent students bring unwanted thing such as discerning objects to injure
others. The other way is making policies such as dress code, the lighting, and
security camera to observe students wherever they are. (2) Peer-led programs. The
existence of peer can be the solution of preventing violence and aggression.
Peer meditation and peer counseling is the most use strategy used. Students
will be more aware about it and try to collaborate and work together to prevent
it. (3) Psychosocial and psychoeducational programs. This
program is about preventing the aggression and v iole nce which focused on
individual change with solve the problem of misbehavior through cooperative,
prosocial, and peaceful strategy. (4) Integrated programs for selected and
indicated programs. Selected program chooses for students who exhibit known
risk factor. Indicate program for students who have exhibited aggression and
violence behavior. This integration program has function to reinforce
misbehavior students. (5) Threat assessment and crisis response strategies.
Three aspects of threat assessment and crisis
response have
been articulated: (a) identifying
and responding
to students who are experiencing
difficulties, (b) undertaking a systemic
assessment when a student poses a
possible risk
of violence, and (c)managing violence-
related crises
and their aftermath (USDE in Greene, 2005).
(6) School climate-oriented strategies. School
climate tells everything about how students know each other, the grow of
behavior and the example of good and bad behavior might come from school
climate. Students, teachers, and staffs have to have trust to each other so
that students will confidence to share their thought or problems. It will make
problem can be solve as soon as possible.
Planning school-based violence
prevention strategies need some process to do. First, needs and assets assessment. Before the strategy use, it must be
having observation to school to see the readiness and capacity of the school. It
also need support by teachers and other staffs to implement the program. Second,
planning group and initial planning
activities. To implement the program, it needs collaborative plan between
teachers, students, and staffs to prevent violence and aggression. The effort
of school member is the best support of the program. Sustainability of the
program must be the big attention for all school member. Third, strategy adoption. The prevention
programs which adapted must be relevant with school goals and objective. When school
want to adapt fighting prevention, make sure that in the school it is exist
fighting behavior. Fourth, strategy
implementation. Implementation of the program is the most important part of
the program. The prevention program of violence and aggression usually give
many changes to school climate and students behavior. Still, some did not
appear the good changes. The mistake must be from the improper implementation
of the program. That is why the program need support to all school
members. Last, evaluation. After the program is implemented, school have to
evaluate whether it achieve the objective or not. School will get feedback from
expertise’s assessment of the school program and they can fix the mistake and
program since the program implemented.
In conclusion, prevention of violence
and aggression is not easy task to do. School can plan and do the prevention
program, but the program must be fit to school’s objective of prevention, and
need support of school member. The prevention will not run well if the support
of program is lack and can ruin the program that already has good objective to
handle students’ behavior.
Greene, M. B. (2005). Reducing violence and aggression
in school. Trauma, Violence & Abuse,
6, 236-253. DOI: 10.1177/1524838005277406.
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