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A Review: Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation

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(Intrinsic and Extrinsic Motivation Orientation in the Classroom: Age Differences and Academic Correlates)
Aji Nur Hakim
Every people in the world must have motivation, whether they are kindergarten children or college students. Motivation itself divided into two: intrinsic and extrinsic. Some people say that it is better to have more intrinsic motivation rather than extrinsic motivation. It is the right opinion? Then, what is the different between intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation?
Lepper, Corpus, and Iyengar, had conduct a research about intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation and the relation to age different and academic correlated. There are four topics they want to get:
a.       The relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
b.      Significant age differences in intrinsic and extrinsic motivation when these two constructs are measured independent of one another
c.       Motivational orientations related to academic outcomes
d.      Significant differences between European American and Asian American children
In this writing, writer wants to discuss about the first third of the topic given by the research.

First topic is the relationship between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. “...children’s intrinsic and extrinsic motivation in these classrooms can be viewed as two largely orthogonal constructs rather than as opposite ends of a single dimension” (Lepper, Corpus & Iyengar, 2005). What does it mean? According to Harter (in Lepper, Corpus &Iyengar, 2005), there are three subscale that represent intrinsic motivation versus extrinsic motivation. The first is two opposite poles of single dimension that represent desire to challenge the work increase and desire to do easy work decrease. The second is two potentially orthogonal motivations that represent motivation based curiosity or interest versus motivation to pleased the teacher to receive good grade. The last is potentially orthogonal construct that represent independent versus dependent motivation in solving a problem. So, the meaning of the result brings by Lepper, Corpus & Iyenger (2005) is the last type subscale of motivation, which is representing independent versus dependent motivation.

Independent and dependent motivation can be seen as how students do their work. For example, the independent motivated students tend to find the other problem beside the textbook given to challenge their selves and learn more about the problem. Whether students who have dependent motivation just depend on teacher and just do the teacher’s instruction and task without additional challenge.

It reflects how students act in the classroom. Most of students have dependent motivation. People might say that it is not good for students and of course it is not. Students who have this motivation will not successfully accept the challenge beyond their task usually given, because they are not used to do it. Although sometimes depend on teacher is good, but if students do not increase their learning by themselves by challenging to do some problems, it will not bring students to be able to face the problems; not only in the classroom, but also in their future.

Second topic is age different. The result of the study shows that intrinsic motivation will decrease along with level of studies. Beside, extrinsic motivation did not have significant changes during the level of studies. This fact of course has an opposite view from the researcher idea. Students, who increase their intrinsic motivation along the level of studies, may have a good interest in their learning. However, students who increase extrinsic motivation may have good extrinsic treatment such as reward from teacher.

In fact, as we see in school, students have different motivation depend on their interest, mood, and environment. Students come from different background. They may have problem in home, may stress because of bunch of homework, or have bad mood. That will cause the intrinsic motivation to decrease. The other students may look diligent to do homework, because they want reward from parents. That condition cause extrinsic motivation to increase. But, does age different make students have better motivation? Intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation needed to support learning. When students steps on the next level of studies does not mean their intrinsic motivation will be higher than extrinsic motivation. People may think it should be like that, because students getting mature year by year. In elementary level, the purpose of study may to get a good grade by study diligently. Moreover, parents give present to celebrate that good grade. It is different when high school students think like elementary students who study to just get the good grade. Good grade is important, but actually the purpose of study is change. High school students have to focus to their future, and believe that study makes a better life for them, not just focusing to grade. Back to fact again, teenager especially have different mood and interest rather children. They will do what they like and they will not do what they do not want. This fact may be the reason why result of study shows the intrinsic motivation decrease along the level of study.

Move to the next topic of relation between motivation and academic outcomes. The GPA result of study makes positive significant relation with intrinsic motivation. On the contrary, GPA did not show the positive relation toward extrinsic motivation especially to math and language arts. “The correlation between intrinsic motivation and GPA was positive at all six grade levels, and the correlation between extrinsic motivation and GPA was negative at five of the six grade levels, with third grade being the exception.” (Lepper, Corpus & Iyenger, 2005).

That situation can happened when students want to do the work to get the reward. Somehow, reward being cruel supporter in learning. The end of it, when reward continuously given to students, extrinsic motivation will always increase but did not create good grade. It is proven that intrinsic motivation has more power to make better relation with GPA. Teachers have a hope that students in the classroom not only come to study and do the homework, but also to take the lesson from every subject be taught. It does not matter if students do not have any interest, at least students does not come to school for nothing.

The discussion of motivation in students’ learning still happening until now, especially when teachers want to investigate what exactly the reason behind students’ interest toward the lesson, or why students did not engage in the learning. One of reason to answer those questions is because they have intrinsic and extrinsic motivation; and it is different one to another students. The study proves that both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation has the part of students’ learning. In my opinion, we can not judge that intrinsic motivation better than extrinsic motivation. Both the motivation is needed to support out learning, but the portion of intrinsic motivation have to higher than extrinsic motivation, so that we can start to do something from our heart and we can do something because we want to do, not because we suppose to do.

Lepper, M.R., Corpus, J.H., & Iyengar, S.S. (2005). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation orientations in the classroom: Age differences and academic correlates. Journal of Educational Psychology. 97, 184-196. doi: 10.1037/0022-0663.97.2.184.

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