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A Review: Motivating Classroom

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(Creating A Motivating Classroom Environment)
Aji Nur Hakim

Zoltan Dornyei from The University of Nottingham, UK, written a journal title “Creating A Motivating Classroom Environment,” on Chapter 43. In this chapter, Dornyei focused to discuss how to create a motivating classroom management and the various ways that can approach to see the different psychology process in the classroom. The main topic itself divided into four:
1.      Toward a cohesive learner group
2.      Toward a productive norm and role system in the classroom
3.      Toward an optimal leadership style
4.      Adopting a motivational teaching practice

The first discussion is about motivating classroom toward a cohesive learner group. To make motivating classroom environment, students and teacher have to work cooperatively. Especially the relationship between students should be a good relation of groups. “Group cohesiveness refers to the closeness and “we” feeling of a group, that is, the internal gelling force that keeps the group together.” (Dornyei, n.d.). In a cohesive group, an individual feel accepted in the group and regarded in it.

There are some factors that affect cohesive group according to Dornyei and Murphey (in Dornyei, n.d.): learning about each other (sharing personal information); proximity, contact, and interaction (physical distance, situation, and influent behavior); difficult admission (initiations ceremony of groups); shared group history (spending time to hear one’s story); the rewarding nature of group activities (reward to others, individual benefit); group legend (group name, logos, mottoes, etc); public commitment to the group (group agreement, goals, and rules); investing in the group (acts of membership); extracurricular activities (experiences); cooperation toward common goals (cooperative achievement of members); intergroup competition (small group games); defining the group against another (relative to other group); joint hardship and common threat (going through member’s difficulty); and teacher’s role modeling (behavior of teacher).

The second discussion is about motivating classroom toward a productive norm and role system in the classroom. Group norm should not be implicit. The members of groups have to make the explicit norm, so that the wrong behavior or attitudes can be straightened and the consequence is clear. The member who makes a mistake did not direct faulted, because they can learn through their mistake. Group roles itself describe as a member who have a function or position in a group. Every member have to do their roles and contribute to make a better environment, and the most important, avoid conflict. Teacher can help students to make the role which is every students can contribute. “The most subtle way of encouraging role taking is to notice and reinforce any tentative role attempts on the students’ part, and sometimes even to highlight possible roles that a particular marginal learner may assume.” (Dornyei, n.d.)

The third discussion is about motivating classroom toward an optimal leadership style. Teacher as facilitator help students to lead their selves and be democratic to every member. The leader leads the discussion that includes the other member to make decision. They can share what they thought and the other member can give other perspective. Teachers use leadership style to give the students democracy to experiencing their own learning process.

The last discussion is about adopting a motivational teaching practice. Dornyei (n.d.) says that motivating classroom will relate to motivation of groups, whereas, motivation always relate to an individual that examine about one’s behavior or the view of people as an individual. Then, to bring the motivating classroom and the group behavior, it should combine between motivational psychology and group dynamic.

“The motivational character of the classroom is largely a function of the teacher’s motivational teaching practice, and is therefore within our explicit control” (Dornyei, n.d.), which means the main role of managing classroom is the teacher; how the teacher can bring motivational teaching with their control of the classroom. Teacher needs some process or phases to start it.

The first phase called generating initial motivation. Dornyei (in Dornyei, n.d.) has divided five broad group of creating initial students motivation:
1.      Enhancing the learners’ language-related values and attitudes.
Language-related still divided into 3 types:
a.       Intrinsic value, that relate to interest in the process of learning.
b.      Integrative value, that relate to the attitude, the speaker, and the culture brings in the classroom.
c.       Instrumental value, that relate to practical.
2.      Increasing the learners’ expectancy of success
To expect that students can get success in the learning, teacher should motivate them and engage them into learning process. So, students can do best because they are motivated to.
3.      Increasing the learners’ goal-orientedness
It is important to teacher to know what students goal be. It is not merely to mastering the subject, because every student has different learning goals. Teacher has to aware of students, so that they can increase the goal of every student in the classroom.
4.      Making the teaching materials relevant for the learner
Students come to school to get the new knowledge from teacher. If the materials of teaching are not relevant, so that students can not get the meaning of study. Beside, teacher has to follow the curriculum that has been decided by school.
5.      Creating realistic learner beliefs

The second phase called maintaining and protecting motivation. The motivational strategy to make relevant learning in the classroom according to Dornyei (n.d.) is: making learning stimulating and enjoyable; presenting tasks in a motivating way; setting specific learner goals; protecting the learners’ self-esteem and increasing their self-confidence; creating learner autonomy; and promoting self-motivating learner strategies.

The last phase called encouraging positive retrospective self-evaluation. Talking about self-evaluation, it will relate to feedback. The function of feedback itself, that state by Dornyei (n.d.) are offering praise and increasing learner spirit; promote positive self-concept and self-confidence; and reflect the area of improvement.

To make a motivating classroom environment is neither merely difficult, nor easy to do. Teacher has to collaborate to students and make a motivating environment together. Teacher can study more and create the strategies exist to their classroom; but first teacher have to know what type of student they have. At last, the most important of creating motivating classroom is the quality teacher can make. “What we need is quality rather than quantity; some of the most motivating teachers often rely on a few well-selected basic techniques.” (Dornyei, n.d.)

Dornyei, Z. (n.d.). Creating a motivating classroom environment. Retrieved from http://www.educ.ualberta.ca/staff/olenka.bilash/best%20of%20bilash/motivating%20classroom%20environment.pdf

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