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A Review: The Influence of Instrumentality Beliefs

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(The Influence of Instrumentality Beliefs on Intrinsic Motivation:
A Study of High-Achieving Adolescents)
Aji Nur Hakim

David J. Kover from San Francisco Unified School District and Frank C. Worrell from University of California (Berkeley) have conducted a research titled “The influence of instrumentality beliefs on intrinsic motivation.” The study describes about two main points which are intrinsic motivation and instrumentality, include:
1.      Self-Determination Theory
2.      Competence and Autonomy
3.      Organismic Integration Theory
4.      Performance-Contingent Reward Structures
5.      Evaluation and Intrinsic Motivation
6.      Competency Feedback
7.      Goals and Intrinsic Motivation
8.      Personally Valued Long-Term Goals
9.      Instrumentality as a Predictor of Extrinsic Motivation
10.  Instrumentality as a Predictor of Intrinsic Motivation
The two first is included in intrinsic motivation, number 3 until 8 in instrumentality, and the two last points is the discussion of the result of study.

The first discussion is describes about intrinsic motivation. According Self-Determination Theory (SDT), intrinsic motivation comes from the need to the task given, not about engaging to the reward given. “Instrumentality beliefs, by definition, imply that the individual has external reasons for engaging in the task at hand” (Kover & Worrell, 2010). So, by instrumentality belief, external motivation is the main reason to influence someone’s to do the task.

Competence and anatomy, also the part of intrinsic motivation which is specialize in need. Not different from SDT, someone also doing the task because of their competence and anatomy. Someone who has strong intrinsic motivation will be engage to increase their competence and be autonomous people (one’s who can take care of her/his need). SDT theory use competence and anatomy to predict that external factor can influence intrinsic motivation. For example, a students who doing the best to increase the competence may be influenced of reward from someone else, so that he/she do their best to get the reward, not to increase the competence. Even competence and anatomy is close by intrinsic motivation, if there is at least one reason from external of people to enter the motivation, the position of intrinsic motivation will vanished and replace by external motivation.

The second discussion is about instrumentality which include the discussion about Organismic Integration Theory, performance-contingent reward structures, evaluation and intrinsic motivation, competency feedback, goals and intrinsic motivation; and personally valued long-term goals. As we know, SDT is identical with intrinsic motivation. Besides, Organismic Integration Theory (OIT), explain that external factors can increase intrinsic motivation. The difference of it is whenever external factors can increase the existence of intrinsic motivation; it directly changes to extrinsic motivation. If SDT supported by competence and autonomy, OIT also support by those adding with connectedness, the importance of one’s in an environment.

Remember that students may do their work to get the reward. There is a theory says that it is actually exist when students have to do certain level of performance to receive the reward that known as performance-contingent reward. It needs a competence-feedback and experience evaluation, which is related to intrinsic motivation, because students have to do performance-contingent and receive certain standard.

Discussing about evaluation, when it used to control the reward and be more stressful to do, it will affect intrinsic motivation and be the contrary side. So that evaluation will focus to the task, not about the reward. It is exactly same with feedback. Negative and positive feedback may change the motivation. Negative feedback can cause someone do not have a motivation (amotivational). While positive feedback may increase the competence which is also increase intrinsic motivation. “These differences are especially important to consider with regard to beliefs about the future instrumentality of school, because students receive multiple opportunities for feedback (grades) along the path of whatever instrumentality goals they may have.” (Kover & Worrell, 2010). In school, especially in Indonesian some Indonesian school, teachers still rank their children every the end of semester. It may good for students who have high rank, but it will decrease student’s motivation to them who have low rank. Due to some protest from parents also students, some school in Indonesian did not use this policy again.

The goals theory is basically can support intrinsic motivation, also instrumentality beliefs that in line with the goals theory. If the goals set from the beginning of study, students will automatically motivated to reach those goals and be the responsible to do the task given. Beside, long-term goals needed to predict the future. According Husman and Lens (1999) and Simons, et al (2000) (in Kover & Worrell, 2010), there are three types of long-term goals: both autonomously chosen and intrinsically valued, autonomously chosen but not intrinsically valued, and neither autonomously chosen nor personally valued.

Both autonomously chosen and intrinsically valued is one’s who have high intrinsic motivation because she/he also concern about autonomous, may set her/his long-term goals without any difficulties. There is also one’s who has autonomous but not really have high intrinsic motivation, even do not have it. She/he may do the task, but not interested in it, or she/he just do because they need to get good grade or get the reward. This type of person, may have long-term goals, but not interested in doing or they might do not have long-term goals because they do not motivated to make it. The worst is one’s who do not has autonomous and intrinsic valued. She/he may not do the task given because not interested in it. So, everything they do not like to do, they will not do.

The sample of study are 961 students (44% male) who attending summer program (based on combination of grade, standardized test result, work sample, and teacher recommendation) at a major research university in California. Participants given 6-week program course, and given “Approaches to Learning Survey” which is contain mastery goals (3 items), performance goals (2 items), perceived instrumentality (5 items), extrinsic motivation (3 items), and intrinsic motivation (3 items); that asked about participants’ reason for engage in learning.

The result comes up with two discussions: instrumentality as a predictor of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Toward extrinsic motivation, instrumentality beliefs have positive relation. This is in line that giving reward as external control can affect of the task that can change from intrinsic to extrinsic motivation.

Beside, instrumentality as a predictor of intrinsic motivation is contradictory. In other study it might have positive relationship, but they result tell us so. The influence of instrumentality indeed depends on the nature or environment set. There are many variety to influence on their competence, autonomy, and connectedness which OIT emphasized that predict the intrinsic motivation.

This study basically can not prove Miller (in Kover & Worrell, 2010) finding that instrumentality beliefs can brings positive influence toward intrinsic motivation. It might because of the different of sample and the environment. It is probable that the failure to replicate the earlier findings is due to differences in the participant samples between studies, especially in regards to proximity to future goals, specific types of future goals, and orientation towards achievement.” (Kover & Worrell, 2010).

Kover, D.J., & Worrell, F.C. (2010). The influence of instrumentality beliefs on intrinsic motivation: A study of high-achieving adolescents. Journal of Advanced Academics, 21, 470-498. Retrieved from http://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ906113.pdf

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